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Landing your Dream Job – Applying Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Job Search


Do you wonder how you can find a job that relates to your women’s and gender studies degree or experience as an activist? In today’s world, many employers are seeking candidates who have the ability to thrive in a diverse workplace and contribute to practices that build on equity and inclusion. 


This panel of WGS alumnae, students, faculty, and career service staff will discuss how to bring knowledge and experiences gained in your WGS coursework, internships, field work, and more to your job search in today’s world. The discussion will address ways that you can highlight your background and passion to succeed in a job market and in your education where programs value diversity, equity, and inclusion.


We’ll cover how to use resources on campus to

·         prepare your resume

·         fine tune your interviewing skills with diversity, equity, and inclusion in mind;

·         leverage your experiences as activists and advocates; and

·         stay true to yourself and your values in pursuit of your dream job



Facilitator – Ann Oberhauser, Director, Women’s and Gender Studies Program


Amanda Arp – PhD student in Rhetoric and Professional Communication

Sandra Looft – Director, Margaret Sloss Center for Women and Gender Equity

Rita Mookerjee – WGS Assist. Teaching Prof.

Taren Reker – Assoc. Director, LAS Career Services

Maggie Roby – Manager at Cargill Corp., Kansas City – WGS alum

Aiden Wigda – Team leader, SBC Global Consulting, WGS alumn

Coordinator – Kim Hope, WGS Program Specialist


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