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Algebra Geometry Seminar: A Framework to Support the Study of Tame- and Wild-Type Quivers in Persistence Theory

Author: Lona

Speaker: Yariana Diaz (University of Iowa)


Abstract: Single- and multi-parameter persistence theory have been studied extensively and there are results from recent years analyzing the geometry of a data set via the appearance and disappearance of indecomposable parts in the algebraic structures associated to the data. So far, this has mainly been done with type quivers and their infinite counterparts (single-parameter) and quivers indexed over


In the case of tame- and wild-type quivers, it is difficult to write down and distinguish these indecomposable parts. In order to make these more complex quivers available for use in persistence theory, I aim to provide a framework for choosing particular subsets of indecomposables which may be distinguished from one another in a computationally feasible manner. I present the Kronecker quiver as a test case.