CAM Seminar: A reinterpreted discrete fracture model for fracture and barrier networks
Author: Lona
Author: Lona
Speaker: Yang Yang, Michigan Technological University
Abstract: In this talk, we construct the reinterpreted discrete fracture model for flow simulation of fractured porous media containing flow blocking barriers on non-conforming meshes. The methodology of the approach is to modify the traditional Darcy’s law into the hybrid-dimensional Darcy’s law where fractures and barriers are represented as Dirac-delta functions contained in the permeability tensor and resistance tensor, respectively. This model is able to account for the influence of both highly conductive fractures and blocking barriers accurately on non-conforming meshes. The local discontinuous Galerkin (LDG) method is employed to accommodate the form of the hybrid-dimensional Darcy’s law and the nature of the pressure/flux discontinuity. The performance of the model is demonstrated by several numerical tests.
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