Math Bio seminar: The effect of “fear” on two species competition

Speaker: Vaibhava Srivastava, Iowa State University (Mathematics) Abstract: Non-consumptive effects such as fear of depredation, can strongly influence predator-prey dynamics. There are several ecological and… Read More

Math Bio Seminar: Mathematical analysis and models for understanding neural dynamics

Speaker: Yanyang Wang, University of Iowa   Abstract: Central pattern generators (CPGs) are neural networks that are intrinsically capable of producing rhythmic patterns of neural… Read More

CAM Seminar: The mean-field limit of non-exchangeable integrate and fire systems

Speaker: Pierre Jabin, Professor of Mathematics at Penn State University   Abstract: We investigate the mean-field limit of large networks of interacting biological neurons. The… Read More

Math Colloquium: A new approach to the mean-field limit of Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equations

Speaker: Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin, Penn State   Abstract: “We introduces a novel approach to the mean-field limit of stochastic systems of interacting particles, leading to the… Read More

Geometric Analysis Seminar: Div-Curl estimates and harmonic maps: Local and nonlocal

Speaker: Armin Schikorra Abstract: I will present definitions and applications of a notion of fractional div-curl structures. I will talk about their role in the… Read More

Math Bio Seminar: The Effects of Vaccine Misinformation on Disease Spread

Anthony DeLegge, Benedictine UniversityIn the spring of 2021, vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson became available to the general… Read More

Math Bio Seminar

Optimal Control Studies for Additional food provided Prey-Predator Systems involving Holling Type III and Type IV Functional Responses Speaker: Ananth Srinivas, Louisiana State University… Read More

Math Colloquium: Phenotype Control Methods for Regulatory Networks

Colloquium speaker is hosted by the Mathematical Biology Seminar group. Abstract: Many problems in engineering, biology, and medicine have a control component where the objective is… Read More

Math Bio Seminar: Heterogeneities in contact patterns matter: how to account for them

Speaker: Claus Kadelka, Iowa State University (Mathematics) Abstract: Contact networks are heterogeneous. People with similar characteristics are more likely to interact, a phenomenon called assortative… Read More

Algebra and Geometry Seminar: Pointed Hopf algebras over non-abelian groups

Guillermo Sanmarco (ISU) The quantum group associated with a complex Lie algebra is a Hopf algebra for which the coradical (i.e., the biggest cosemisimple part)… Read More