Fall 2020 Greenlee School Futures Forum: Drew Harden
Author: perkinsk
Author: perkinsk
Drew Harden, president and co-founder of Blue Compass, will present the Fall 2020 Greenlee School Futures Forum, “10 Powerful Ways to Catch Employers’ Attention & Launch a Strong Career,” via YouTube Live.
Discover 10 insights to help you become more interesting to potential employers and gain more traction as you start your new career. You’ll learn networking, interviewing, and social media practices to help you stand out, as well as on-the-job behavior to enable you to add great value and impress your manager. A Q&A session will follow after the presentation via chat.
The Futures Forum is an annual event hosted by the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication. It connects industry leaders in advertising, journalism and mass communication and public relations with Iowa State University students. The event is sponsored by William F. and Linda Z. Tubbs.