GSJC Graduate Student Orientation
Author: perkinsk
Author: perkinsk
The purpose of the graduate student orientation is to introduce new master’s students to one another and to the faculty and staff of the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication. There will be opportunities to explore the building, ask questions, and become more familiar with Greenlee’s expectations and procedures.
9:00-9:30: Welcome and introductions (Tracy Lucht)
9:30-9:40: Graduate assistantships (Courtney Witte)
9:40-10:00: Graduate advising and questions (Tracy Lucht and Kelsie Poe)
10:00-10:30: Building tour of Hamilton Hall (Saige Heyer, Ana Ramirez, Brad de Prez)
Access to building and grad hub, computer labs, and Hamilton commons area
10:30-11:00: Coffee with Greenlee faculty and staff
11:00: Get photos taken (Maria Charbonneaux)