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Monday Monologues: The Power of Peaceful Protest

Author: perkinsk

Kick off ISU’s annual First Amendment Days celebration (April 12-16) by listening to ISU community members recount their experiences assembling with others. Monday Monologues is a University Library-hosted performance series that spotlights Iowa State student and faculty voices.

Julian Neely, former ISU Student Government president (2018-19), current graduate student in the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication. Julian helped lead the Ames Black Lives Matter movement’s March for Justice in summer 2020 on the ISU campus.

headshot of Jerry Schnoor
Jerry Schnoor

Jerry Schnoor, former ISU Government of the Student Body president (1970-71) current Director of the Center for Global & Regional Environmental Research, University of Iowa. As a student at ISU, Jerry helped lead a strike by the student government and peaceful protests against the Vietnam war and the Kent State shootings in May 1970.

Registration is not required. Monday Monologues performances may contain adult language and themes.

Introduction by Julie Roosa, Greenlee adjunct assistant professor and First Amendment Specialist

Livestream the event via the Iowa State University Library’s YouTube Channel.

From the Archives


First Amendment Days, April 12-16, 2021, is Iowa State University’s annual weeklong celebration of our First Amendment freedoms – religion, speech, press, assembly, petition. It’s hosted by the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication’s First Amendment Committee. See the complete schedule.